Photos are live

Dear Skaters, Parents and Guardians.
The photos from the WISC Charity Gala are now live on our secure photo platform. Each Skater will have a unique login to access their own individual photos of the routines that they performed on the night. If you performed in a group number the photos may be shared with more than one person. The large group photo is also shared with each login.
To access the photos please head to our club website and click on the link, competition photos. It can be found in the navigation bar at the top of your page or alternatively on the Home Screen next to the icon.
Normally we do charge for the photos which covers the cost associated to our platform and expenses of the photographer. However, for this Gala we will not be charging as they where taken by one of our committee members.
Once logged in, it will take you to your personal home page. Each photo job is categorised by events. For some skaters there may be some old competition photos that are still available to purchase, some skaters may just see the Charity Gala Photos. Click on the Wisc Charity Gala job lot and this will allow you to see your personal photos. It does say on the button, buy this photo, but once clicked it will reveal a download button and free of charge. Click this button and it will download your digital copy to your computer.
Once downloaded the watermarks are removed.
We have sent out an email to all skaters who participated in the event and how to login.
If you have any problems please just email and we will get right back to you. If you do find any incorrect tagging has been made and the photos are not of your child, please let us know immediately so we can rectify the problem.