WISC Charity Gala Proudly supporting C.A.V.S.G
A wonderful evening of skating to support a charity that is not only local to the club, but has connections to one of our own club skaters.
The Cheshire Asbestos Victims Support Group was formed in 1992, by members / volunteers who had been actively involved in campaign issues, relating to asbestos, since the early 1980’s. The group gained Charity Status in 1994.
The group changed its direction from campaign work to support work for victims of an asbestos related disease and their families. The intention was to ensure that all those that were affected by asbestos diseases, in Cheshire, had access to help, information, advice and support. It was felt that if victims were encouraged to pursue claims for their illness then this would help to improve their quality of life and make asbestos uninsurable thus adding weight to the fight for an asbestos ban. The group still actively campaign on many issues involving asbestos victims and their families. In 1999 the UK eventually banned the import and use of asbestos.
All services provided are entirely free to victims of asbestos related illness and/or their families.
The group has no vested interest in any company or statutory organisation.
Advice given to victims is completely independent and non-profit making.
On behalf of the Cheshire Asbestos Victim Support Group can we say a HUGE thank you to everyone who took part. Whether you performed, helped out behind the scenes or just came along to watch you played your part in raising an incredible £1300 which will support the charity to continue in its work.